Monday 17 June 2013


Camp manitou field trip to me wasn't as fun as i thought it was going to be. first we made bannack which was just a sandwich bag filled with water and flour it wasen't very good in my opinion. then we had lunch. then we did drama and i was a table! I'm fine with that.then we went in a field and played games with a parachute and it staerted raining really badly i mean man was it pouring. and we got sent to a gym umtill it stopped and when it stopped we got to go and shoot arrows from a bow and that was my favorite part of the whole field trip the end.

Monday 10 June 2013

TERM three reflection

Math: this term I found math to be rather confusing well at least more than usual. Because we did surface area of circles,rectangles,squares,cubes, cylinders we also did the volume and circumference of those shapes as well. We also have started to do algebra which I math with letters if you didn't already know. And it's pretty much the hardest thing I've ever done at school. overall I don't think I did. Very well on the shapes thing and I know for sure I'm not doing good at algebra either.

Science: this term in science we focused on mainly earthquakes, volcanos, and tsunamis. But that wasn't very exciting so I found that quite boring. Until we started to learn about towers and various buildings. That we made out of straws and paper clips and needles and paper and It was fun.

French: in French we have started to create our own restraunts that we have to translate everything into French I like having the freedom to have what I like in it but I don't like have to translate it all into French.

S.S: in s.s. we have created our own Islands and put the. Where we wanted to as long as it didn't over lap some else's island and that it was in the water. I really liked this project and how it turned out in the end.

E.L.A: in e.l.a we read a book called the ask and the answer and my god what Good book it was through out the entire book I didn't want to stop reading. But now since we're done we have to do a final  project for it which I'm glad we don't have to write anything. Even though I like d the book I don't think that I did very well reflecting through that chapters.

Exploratory: in exploratory which is for the people who chose not to go to band. We have made our own versions of the Mona Lisa. We also made portraits of each other that I didn't do. I have started t
make a thing out of paper roles but I'm not done to say anything about it.

Field trips: for field trips this term we went to the career symposium and that  was really boring since I didn't learn anything about jobs or w hat I actually want to do in life. We also went to
Watch a movie and it was exactly like watching. Movie in your spare time. We also went to arock climbing   place and it was fun even though I didn't get very high.